Todo List

主要用于记录Notes的udpate计划和一些关键更新,毕竟git commit能记录的内容有限。 鉴于亲身经历友情提示:原稿md文件务必在私人仓库中备份,以防极端情况下本地文件遗失。

For full documentation visit TesterCC on Github.

Todo Task Notes

  • Startup development new blog with Gin
  • Keep on updating content. (knowledge input: notes, knowledge output: blog)

Finish Task Notes

  • Fill first md in each class.
  • Finish simple notes framework - Build a simple notes outline.

Latest Version

  • 20210415 - Stop update because robber stolen my RMBP which source code in it.
  • 20200929 - Re-management project repo
  • 20200520 - Import basic notes
  • 20190922 - Update Index and Others
  • 20190920 - Finish simple notes framework